Our Mission is to Promote, Protect and Preserve Snowmobiling by Providing Designated, Safe, and Maintained Snowmobile Trails within Washington County.

The job of our volunteer organization is to sign, maintain, groom, and whenever possible expand our trail system for the enjoyment of all citizens of Washington County who wish to snowmobile. We achieve this by working with private landowners, public companies, municipalities, county & city representatives. We strive to have an excellent, fun and safe trail system for the enjoyment of all lawful snowmobilers. Through snowmobiling, our goal is to bring families, & friends together, offer door-to-door trail access whenever possible, and bring commerce to local businesses. We strive to offer snwomobiling as a great form of recreation her in Washington County.
The Washington County Star Trail consists of 140 miles of groomed, marked and maintained snowmobile trails within Washington County Minnesota. The Star Trail is funded through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as part of the State Grant In Aid Funding and through charitable gambling locations within Washington County.
Members from all around Washington County make up the Star Trail and are welcome and encouraged to join, and get involved with the the Washington Co. Star Trail to support and maintain the trail network.
The Star Trail meets every month in Stillwater for our Area Specialists. Leading members from many area snowmobile clubs in Washington Co. are encouraged and welcome to attend. Many new members of the Star Trail attend with their Area Specialists as a great way to get more involved and members from other areas and clubs in the county.
If you would like to join the Washington County Star Trail and do your part to support snowmobiling in Washington County, contact us through this website.